Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Those fabulous pinup girls!

I don't know about you, but I love those vintage pinup girls from yesteryear! They ooze sex appeal, confidence and strength. Here are a few of my favorite artists and their artwork.

Joyce Ballantyne (1918 - 2006)
Joyce Ballantyne was a noteworthy member of the "girl's club" among pin-up artists - her women were often more natural than the studiously coy poses of her male counterparts.

Gil Elvgren (1914-1980)
Gil Elvgren was one of the most important and best loved pin-up artists of the twentieth century.

Earl MacPherson (1910 - 1993)
By 1939 Earl MacPherson was an aspiring glamour artist with a studio on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood.

Robert Skemp (1910 - 1984)
Skemp and fellow Sundblom protégés like Gil Elvgren, Al Buell, and Joyce Ballantyne, modeled their art in large part on that of the older artist. During his pin-up and glamour career, Skemp worked for several major publishing houses, but his original paintings are very rare today.

Alberto Vargas (1896 - 1982)
From the time Esquire first introduced America to the Varga Girl in 1940, the name Vargas has been synonymous with pin-up and glamour art.

Billy De Vorss (d.1985)
Billy De Vorss created lush and vibrant pin-ups, often inspired by New York's theatres and nightclubs.

These are just the tip of the iceberg! I found a wonderful site The Pin-up Files that has hundreds of various pinup girl artwork...check it out.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Prettiest Page Contest ... July - August 2010!

I've been nominated as one of the "Prettiest Pages" on Vintage Village!  If you could be so kind as to vote for my page, that would be swell!

Voting will end August 15th, 2010